The 2023/2024 Committee
Nikki Moulton [email protected] Vice President (& Memberships) Steph Olliffe [email protected] Treasurer Bryan Higgs [email protected] |
Krystal Robinson [email protected] Rosters Officer Lynne Thomson [email protected] Fundraising Officer Currently vacant |
Purchasing, Cataloging & Packaging Officer
Amelia Constantinou Damaged Toys & Missing Parts Officer Amelia Constantinou Social Media & Promotions Amelia Constantinou |
Roles of the Committee
While the president is ultimately responsible for running the Toy Library, decisions regarding the operations are made collaboratively by the committee. The president organises and chairs committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM), liaises with local government and the Western Australian Association of Toy Libraries (WAATL), authorises expenditure, and is the general contact person for issues relating to the Toy Library. The president also writes regular newsletters, determines the stocktake date, liaises with committee members regarding their duties and delegates tasks as necessary. You need to be well organised and forward thinking to do this job.
Vice President (Membership)
The vice president supports the president in running the Toy Library, and is required to take on the duties of the president should the president not be available.
The vice president also acts as Membership Officer for the Toy Library. Their home phone number is used to advertise the toy library, and they receive enquiries from potential new members. The vice president must be able to explain how the Toy Library operates, and be welcoming to potential new members. Throughout the year, the vice president enrols new members and provides them with a short induction session at the Toy Library. They also keep the official waiting list (if necessary). You need to be very organised and friendly to do this job.
The secretary is the official record keeper for the Toy Library. They take the minutes at each committee meeting and at the AGM, and keep all official documents and decisions made by the committee on file. The secretary makes sure that there are ample copies of Toy Library documents available for members (eg. copies of the constitution, claim forms, etc), keeps the official membership register up to date, distributes newsletters, writes and posts letters (as required) and deals with incoming correspondence. The secretary must be well organised, and preferably have access to a computer.
The treasurer is responsible for the financial operations of the Toy Library. They must be good with numbers and spreadsheet literate. The treasurer pays bills, reimbursement claims, etc, collects Toy Library monies and deposits them into the bank. They undertake a monthly reconcilliation of the bank statements to the cash book and presents a financial report at each committee meeting. They must keep accurate records regarding the income and expenditure of the Toy Library and arrange for an audit to be completed prior to the AGM. At the AGM, the treasurer collects the membership fees for the following year, issues receipts, and follows up outstanding monies. It is essential for the treasurer to have access to a computer.
The roster officer produces four rosters per year. This is done by preparing a blank roster and displaying it at the Toy Library for members to fill in. Once it has been filled in, the roster officer types it up, copies it and distributes copies to all members. The roster officer also acts as a point of contact for members should they have a problem regarding their roster session. You need to be forward thinking and well organised to do this job.
Purchasing, Cataloging and Packaging
The purchasing officer is responsible for the purchase, cataloguing and packaging of all toys. They assess what type of toys the Toy Library is in need of (eg. toys to suit particular ages, from particular toy categories, to replace broken toys, etc), research what toys are available for purchase and what costs would be involved, discuss the options with the committee, and finally, make the purchase. The purchasing officer must give all receipts to the treasurer for audit purposes. This is a great job for those who love to go shopping!! They oversee the entry of the toy details in our database and organise appropriate packaging materials before the toy is ready to borrow. The cataloging and packaging officer purchases all packaging and stationary for general use, and prepares stocktake sheets.
Damaged Toys and Missing Parts
The damaged toys officer investigates the state of all damaged and missing parts in toys. They either repair or replace the toy themselves, organise to have it repaired, order replacement parts or deem that the toy is not repairable.They either find a replacement part from the Spare Parts Box, order a spare part from the toy manufacturer, or try to find a replacement part elsewhere. If a replacement part is not able to be sourced, and this renders the toy useless, then the toy is brought to the next committee meeting for discussion / disposal.
The fundraising officer coordinates fundraising events throughout the year. This may involve contacting fundraising companies, preparing notices for members explaining what the fundraising activity will be and how it will work, organising rosters and other materials, distributing the product / drawing the raffle, etc. Each fundraising event requires different methods of organisation, hence the fundraising officer needs to be adaptable. Each proposed fundraising event is discussed and agreed to by the committee prior to going ahead. Once the event is underway, the fundraising officer liaises with the Treasurer regarding collection of monies, and undertakes any follow-up of outstanding monies.
While the president is ultimately responsible for running the Toy Library, decisions regarding the operations are made collaboratively by the committee. The president organises and chairs committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM), liaises with local government and the Western Australian Association of Toy Libraries (WAATL), authorises expenditure, and is the general contact person for issues relating to the Toy Library. The president also writes regular newsletters, determines the stocktake date, liaises with committee members regarding their duties and delegates tasks as necessary. You need to be well organised and forward thinking to do this job.
Vice President (Membership)
The vice president supports the president in running the Toy Library, and is required to take on the duties of the president should the president not be available.
The vice president also acts as Membership Officer for the Toy Library. Their home phone number is used to advertise the toy library, and they receive enquiries from potential new members. The vice president must be able to explain how the Toy Library operates, and be welcoming to potential new members. Throughout the year, the vice president enrols new members and provides them with a short induction session at the Toy Library. They also keep the official waiting list (if necessary). You need to be very organised and friendly to do this job.
The secretary is the official record keeper for the Toy Library. They take the minutes at each committee meeting and at the AGM, and keep all official documents and decisions made by the committee on file. The secretary makes sure that there are ample copies of Toy Library documents available for members (eg. copies of the constitution, claim forms, etc), keeps the official membership register up to date, distributes newsletters, writes and posts letters (as required) and deals with incoming correspondence. The secretary must be well organised, and preferably have access to a computer.
The treasurer is responsible for the financial operations of the Toy Library. They must be good with numbers and spreadsheet literate. The treasurer pays bills, reimbursement claims, etc, collects Toy Library monies and deposits them into the bank. They undertake a monthly reconcilliation of the bank statements to the cash book and presents a financial report at each committee meeting. They must keep accurate records regarding the income and expenditure of the Toy Library and arrange for an audit to be completed prior to the AGM. At the AGM, the treasurer collects the membership fees for the following year, issues receipts, and follows up outstanding monies. It is essential for the treasurer to have access to a computer.
The roster officer produces four rosters per year. This is done by preparing a blank roster and displaying it at the Toy Library for members to fill in. Once it has been filled in, the roster officer types it up, copies it and distributes copies to all members. The roster officer also acts as a point of contact for members should they have a problem regarding their roster session. You need to be forward thinking and well organised to do this job.
Purchasing, Cataloging and Packaging
The purchasing officer is responsible for the purchase, cataloguing and packaging of all toys. They assess what type of toys the Toy Library is in need of (eg. toys to suit particular ages, from particular toy categories, to replace broken toys, etc), research what toys are available for purchase and what costs would be involved, discuss the options with the committee, and finally, make the purchase. The purchasing officer must give all receipts to the treasurer for audit purposes. This is a great job for those who love to go shopping!! They oversee the entry of the toy details in our database and organise appropriate packaging materials before the toy is ready to borrow. The cataloging and packaging officer purchases all packaging and stationary for general use, and prepares stocktake sheets.
Damaged Toys and Missing Parts
The damaged toys officer investigates the state of all damaged and missing parts in toys. They either repair or replace the toy themselves, organise to have it repaired, order replacement parts or deem that the toy is not repairable.They either find a replacement part from the Spare Parts Box, order a spare part from the toy manufacturer, or try to find a replacement part elsewhere. If a replacement part is not able to be sourced, and this renders the toy useless, then the toy is brought to the next committee meeting for discussion / disposal.
The fundraising officer coordinates fundraising events throughout the year. This may involve contacting fundraising companies, preparing notices for members explaining what the fundraising activity will be and how it will work, organising rosters and other materials, distributing the product / drawing the raffle, etc. Each fundraising event requires different methods of organisation, hence the fundraising officer needs to be adaptable. Each proposed fundraising event is discussed and agreed to by the committee prior to going ahead. Once the event is underway, the fundraising officer liaises with the Treasurer regarding collection of monies, and undertakes any follow-up of outstanding monies.